Impowered on Imbolc crossquarter day* (February
3, 2009) .
This candle was created with the energies of Imbolc** in mind:
purification, cleansing, strengthening.
The colors most associated with Imbolc are red and
white. Red symbolizing the birthing blood of the ewes and white
for the snow. Since this is a fire holiday, red can also symbolize
fire. Our goal was red and white glitter. This didn't happen as
the white glitter we had turned transparent in the hot gel. While
adding the glitter and scent, the gel was stirred so much that it
formed hundreds of tiny bubbles which made the gel look white instead
of transparent. When we poured them, the candles looked white with
red glitter.
A round bead made of shell looks like a snowball
in the candle. The properties of shell include improving one's self
image, increasing personal strength and endurance, personal growth,
and transformation. Shells also help organize your life.
The scent is frankincense (boswellia carteri),
benzoin (styrax benzoin), and cinnamon (cinnamomum zeylanicum).
Frankincense and cinnamon are both associated with the Sun and fire.
Also both are purifying and strengthening. Benzion was added to
sweeten the scent and is associated with air and Venus. Benzoin
is also purifying and adds comfort with the ability to cope.
We have included the image of a sheep as Imbolc
means ewe's milk and a red & white ribbon along the edge of
the candle.