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Magickal Musings From Infinite Flame

November, 2016
Define "wicked".....


Welcome Back

Wow. My last newsletter was in January. I apologize for not writing since then but depression is a hard thing to deal with. I seem to be getting better as I have been more productive this month. I will once again attempt to get these out once a month. I was doing them on the Dark Moon and that will be the goal again but I will go with the flow of my energy for now.

One reason I became uninspired was that the site I send these from did a total update of all their features. They made the newsletters more friendly to cell phones and in doing so, elimated most of the design elements. This results in a very boring looking newsletter. As a very creative and visual person, I was not happy. Its a pet peeve of mine how web design is now aimed at tiny cell phone screens instead of computer monitors. I feel websites should be fun and colorful, as you can tell from looking around mine. But the trend is to slimline and condense. Boring.

So from now on, this emailed newsletter will consist of just the beginning of each section with a link to the full newsletter on my website. The Moon Phases and Signs, Credit and Butt Kissing, & Song Quotes will only be on the page on the website (Mainly because the new updated version has no place for them). I hope this is ok with everyone because I want to keep the same look and information you have come to expect from me.

Business Stuff

My next Show is Thanksgiving Weekend, November 25, 26, & 27, at Gibraltar Trade Center in Mt. Clemens.This is the Body 'n Soul Expo that they do once a year to annoy us Holistic vendors by changing the set up and name so customers do not know we are there. The hours are long on Friday, this one starts at 10am and goes to 9pm. A very long day so be sure to come out and keep us awake. Or come to the show Saturday or Sunday from 10am to 6pm. You are sure to find unique, one-of-a-kind gifts for the holiday season.

It is a good idea to follow Infinite Flame on Facebook to keep up with what’s new. With my tablet it is super easy for me to take pictures and post them as I create new things. Often my new jewelry pieces will sell there before I get them to a show or on the website. I also create events for all my shows so its a great way to know where I will be.

I now have Alchemy of England products for sale on this site! I have been a fan of theirs for years, my first pentacle necklace came from them. I am still adding products, so far only the necklaces and earrings are up but I will be adding more as often as possible with my busy schedule. (these products are available only on the website, I do not have them at shows.)

I have started making candles again. I created a new set of Elements and also the Wealthy & Prosperity candles. I would love some feedback as far as interest in my continuing to make these candles. I have so many things I'm doing now, and even tho I love making them, I want to put my effort into what people want most.

I am still offering Tarot Readings by phone. I don't do them at shows as I want to sell products there, and I do not want to interrupt a reading whenever someone wants to make a purchase. Plus both the person getting the reading and I don't have to worry about weather or gas prices.. Go to for more info on my readings.


Allspice (pimenta dioica) was given this name by an English botanist named John Ray in the 16th century who thought the flavor was a combination of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. It is also known as pimento and Jamaica pepper.  This evergreen tree is an important crop in Jamaica, where they have plantations known as pimento walks

The leaves are infused for tea. The dried fruits are used whole in pickling spices, marinades, and mulled wine. They are also steeped in rum to make pimento dram, a Jamaican liqueur. The ground berries are used to flavor cakes, cookies, desserts, sauces, ketchup, and chutney. Allspice is an essential ingredient in Jamaican jerk dishes. The oil is used in commercial food flavorings. 

Medicinally, it improves digestion, has a tonic effect of the nervous system, and is locally antiseptic and anesthetic. Allspice is used internally for indigestion, gas, diarrhea, and nervous exhaustion. Externally for chest infection, and muscular aches and pains. Powered berries are added to medicines to disguise the flavor, and to liniment and bandages. 

Allspice is often mistaken for clove as the two smell very similar. They both get their rich and fragrant aroma from the volatile oil eugenol, which is a known pain desensitizer.  But allspice also contains more than two dozen compounds with a great variety of healing actions, making this spice a genuine all-round curative. From what I've read, it seems Jamaicans use it for just about any ailment. It has been found that these berries contain 25 active phenols, a category of antioxidant. 

Magickally, Allspice is associated with the element earth and planet Venus. It is used for healing, luck, confidence, happiness, relationships, love, communication, creativity, and for prosperity. I recently made a batch of allspice incense, and my income increased while it was drying in the house. I burnt a stick in my prosperity corner of my house during the weekend of my last show and also had some of the sticks in a vase on my table at the show as they were not dry yet. It was my best show in months. I actually missed a week of cleaning for my highest paying customer, yet somehow I have enough money to pay all my bills this month (I've been short the last couple of months). That convinces me of its ability to bring prosperity and luck. 

To bring these properties into your life, try burning some allspice incense (of course I would love it to be my incense but any quality brand will work). Add some powdered allspice to your food, it has a great spicy flavor that will enhance many dishes. If you use potpourri, add some whole dried berries to it. If doing a spell, add the whole or crushed berries to your ingredients. Cast some berries into your fire, doing so with the intention of bringing prosperity, or any of the other properties, into your life. 

I hope you found this newsletter informative. I look forward to writing more.

Blessed be,

~~~~Rhiannon Rose @--^--

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Moon Phases
& Sign

Full Moon in Taurus:
November 14 - 8:52am
*Super Moon*
Void of course 8:52am

Last Quarter in Leo:
November 21 - 3:33 am
Void of course 3:33am

Sun enters Sagittarius
November 21 - 4:22 pm

Dark Moon in Sagittarius:
November 29 - 7:18am

1st Quarter in Pisces:
December 7 - 4:03am

Full Moon in Gemini
December 13 - 7:06pm
Long Nights Moon

Mercury Retrograde
December 19- 5:55 am
until January 8

Last Quarter in Virgo
December 20 - 8:56 pm
void of course 8:56pm

Yule / Winter Solstice
December 21
Sun enters Capricorn
at 5:44 am

New Moon in Capricorn
December 29 - 1:53 am


Credit and

Llewellyn's Witches Datebook for all moon phases

Song Quotes:

"Every year is getting shorter,
Never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught
Or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way

the time is gone
the song is over
thought I'd something more to say

Time by Pink Flyod

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